Danish Open 2020 Aflyst

21. august 2020

Det er med stor beklagelse at vi desværre må meddele at Danish Open 2020 Skanderborg er aflyst, grundet forholdene ved Covid-19.

Torben Sachmann og Personalet i Fælledhallen har den sidste tid virkeligt ligget vandret og forsøgt alle muligheder, som at dele hallen i 2 osv, forespurgt alle steder og haft kontakt til politi, DIF og alle myndigheder i forsøget på at få det afviklet.

Desværre er der ingen muligheder på nuværende med de forhold hallen kan tilbyde for at afholde noget med mere end de 100 (incl. hjælpere, stævnleder/admin, dommere osv.) så et deltagerantal ville blive så lavt at det er urealistisk at afholde.

Vi håber og ser fremad mod Rødovre open Teknik 2020 (17-10-2020) og DM 2020 (14-11-2020) som jo er de næste 2 stævner i Danmark.

Med venlig hilsen

Torben Sachmann, Thomas Falk, Anders Banzon.

It is with great regret that we unfortunately have to announce that the Danish Open 2020 Skanderborg has been canceled, due to the conditions at Covid-19.

Torben Sachmann and the staff in Fælledhallen have lately really been horizontal and tried all possibilities, such as dividing the hall into 2, etc., inquired everywhere and had contact with the police, DIF and all authorities in an attempt to get it settled.

Unfortunately, there are no opportunities at present with the conditions the hall can offer to hold something with more than the 100 (incl. Helpers, event leader / admin, judges, etc.) so a number of participants would be so low that it is unrealistic to hold.

We hope and look forward to Rødovre open Teknik 2020 (17-10-2020) and DM 2020 (14-11-2020) which are the next 2 competitions in Denmark.

Yours sincerely

Torben Sachmann, Thomas Falk, Anders Banzon.

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